Four reasons to read your Bible today

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Josie Child, PAX Producer What can the Bible really offer me today? It cannot offer me the instant gratification of technology. It cannot offer me the secret to ‘health, wealth and happiness’. It cannot even offer me an easy read because it is full of challenges and high standards! But what […]

Our North American Board Supporters Meet

The Directors of Awareness Foundation America, our US-based sister organisation, met in New York in May 2018 to dedicate themselves to another year of fundraising for the work of the Awareness Foundation. Meeting at the House of The Redeemer on the Upper East Side, the Directors, who are skilled volunteers from Toronto and Ottawa (Canada), New York, […]

Our New Patron!

We are delighted to announce that The Lord Gordon of Strathblane CBE has accepted our invitation to join our College of Patrons. Lord Gordon worked as a political editor for Scottish Television (now STV) from 1965 to 1973 and as managing director of Radio Clyde from 1973 to 1996. He was also the chief executive, then the Chair of Scottish Radio […]

A life transformed by faith

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Mitch Bean, PAX contributor Edited by Josie Child   On a Tuesday night in June of 1979 God changed my heart. Before coming to Christ, the guiding principle of my life was to put me first. My own desires ruled the day. I […]

Three ways to express your faith at work

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Josie Child, PAX Producer In this week’s PAX video, we hear from Fred Parker, a former Television Director and a committed Christian. For Fred, there is no contradiction between his personal faith and his career in the media. What can we learn from Fred about putting our faith into practice in […]

PAX-News Update

AX has been busy so far in 2018! We’ve had great responses from our popular ‘Nadim in Focus’ series, including ‘Why Christianity is not a religion’ and ‘Rethinking radicalism in two minutes’. We’ve told Barbara Meynert’s story of integrity in the world of business, the first of our ‘Principles to live by’ series, and released […]

Why Christians should rethink the resurrection

Updated: Aug 29, 2018 By Josie Child, PAX Producer The cross is everywhere in Christianity; on necklaces, church roofs, on the front of Bibles. It is imprinted onto wafers and sewn into priestly garments. It is the universally accepted symbol of the faith, and it has come to represent Jesus for Christians and non-Christians alike. The […]

Why Christians SHOULD (and SHOULDN’T) share their faith

Updated: Jan 31, 2019 By Josie Child, PAX Producer It is our motivations, not our actions, that matter most to God. ‘Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart’ (1 Samuel 16:7). So when we share our faith with others, as Jesus commanded us to do, we need to be doing […]

Ambassadors for Peace: February 2018

In February 2018, we met with our 35 Ambassador for Peace “Project Managers” in Lattakia, Syria, to continue their training. Over three days, the young people learned more about how to prepare and plan their peace-building projects in preparation for launching them later this year. As always, we were so impressed by their dedication and commitment, […]

Why Bother with ‘Interfaith’?

Updated: Aug 29, 2018 By Josie Child, PAX Producer   The Awareness Foundation is a Christian charity, but interfaith has always been an important part of our work. Why? Our mission is to empower people of faith to embrace diversity and build harmonious communities together. Not just Christians, but people of all faiths. We believe that […]