We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Syd Anderson, one of our most dedicated supporters in the United States. Syd died peacefully on Wednesday 4th October 2017.
Syd heard Nadim speak at his own church, Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church in the Bay Area Northeast of San Francisco, on 3rd May 2015. What followed was two years of the most amazing generosity and loving support, a great blessing to the Awareness Foundation and all who work to fulfil its mission. Out of all of our projects, Syd was really taken with our proposal for PAX, our online video channel. We knew that, through PAX, we could reach the whole world – but we had no funds for this work. Syd saw our need, and for the next two years he most generously met it.
Without Syd’s astonishing generosity, PAX could never have begun. We would never have been able to appoint our PAX Producer, Josie, and we would not have been able to begin to make videos which are now beginning to earn more than 50,000 views each.
Our work with PAX is thriving, but it will not be the same without Syd.