Awareness Sunday 2016 was celebrated around the world in venues large and small, but few could be as grand as St. Paul’s Cathedral, where The Revd Nadim Nassar preached on Awareness Sunday this year. The Cathedral was packed by the time the procession entered, followed by a group of very senior Islamic clerics, who took their place in the front row (pictured, below). The New Testament Reading, from the First Letter of Paul to Timothy, was given by Huda Nassar (below), and the Service was led by The Very Reverend Dr David Ison, Dean of the Cathedral (pictured above, greeting our Muslim guests). The Revd Nadim Nassar preached on our duty as Christians to help refugees, and he emphasised that only when the war in Syria stops will the refugees be able to go home; we all have a part to play in ending what is a proxy war.
You can download Nadim’s sermon here.

We should like to thank the Dean and all the Members of the Chapter, especially The Revd Canon Philippa Boardman MBE who, as Canon in Residence, had invited The Revd Nadim Nassar to preach. Thanks are also due to Sayed Yousif Al-Khoei, our great friend, who arranged the special attendance by the Muslim clerics (pictured above, with the Dean, The Revd Nadim Nassar, Sayed Yousif and Huda Nassar; St.John Wright was taking the picture!).
After the Service, The Revd Canon Philippa Boardman invited some of our supporters to her home for lunch (see photo below left.)