On Thursday 8th and Saturday 10th October, The Revd Nadim Nassar and St.John Wright travelled to the Diocese of Salisbury for the final two Archdeaconry training days on “Religious Fundamentalism: Challenges and Solutions”. Our hosts were the Archdeacories of Wiltshire and Sherbourne; we had visited the Archdeaconries of Dorset and Sarum in the Spring.
Topics under discussion included ‘What is fundamentalism?’, ‘Fundamentalism in the Middle East’, ‘Fundamentalism in the UK’, ‘Encountering Fanaticism’ and ‘An Archdeaconry Action Plan for Responding to Fundamentalism and Fanaticism’. Thanks to the great support of the Diocese, each venue was packed with church leaders, clergy and laity, from every church in the Archdeaconry.
We were particularly impressed with the insightful input from those present, and the excellent ideas that were put forward in the formation of their Archdeaconry Action Plans.
We should like to thank The Revd Tina Draycott, Team Administrator for Learning for Discipleship and Ministry in the Diocese of Salisbury, for arranging these training days so well, and our thanks go to everyone who gave up a day to learn more about one of the greatest challenges that we face today.