‘Marhaba’: My Awareness Sunday

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 A personal reflection by Magda Karkosinska-Deneault Edited by Josie Child Awareness Sunday 2018 🙏 Father Nadim Nassar gave a moving and passionate sermon in Holy Trinity Sloane Square church, and this is what stuck in my mind: Marhaba – ‘God is love’ · MARHABA is an old Arabic greeting meaning: ‘God […]
The Daisy in the Rubble

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 The imagined experience of a displaced Syrian child, based on accounts of the real lives of our Little Heroes in Syria. By Phoenix Bergman, aged 16 Edited by Josie Child Before We crouched in darkness as one shivering mass holding onto one another for dear life. Although together we felt safer, our […]
What I’m taking away from reading ‘The Culture of God’

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Nadim Nassar The Syrian Jesus: Reading the Divine Mind, Sailing into the Divine Heart Blog by Josie Child Over the past two months (or perhaps two years since Nadim started writing the book!), here at the Awareness Foundation we have been living and breathing The Culture of God. Published on 6th […]
Little Heroes: Lisa’s story
Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Benjamin Campbell Edited by Josie Child A maze. Two teams in competition to reach the other side first. Children laughing and shouting, running and tripping, breathless. Happy, innocent and fearless. Apart from Lisa. She froze on the spot, eyes wide, unable to continue. Something within this seemingly trivial game had touched […]
‘Refugee’ or ‘displaced’? Helping the invisible victims of the Syrian war
Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Benjamin Campbell Edited by Josie Child Since the Syrian Civil war began in Spring 2011, over 4 million citizens have left the country to seek refuge. Vital work is being done by charities and other external organisations in the refugee camps throughout the Near East, and the camps have received a […]
Why Christianity is NOT a religion
Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Benjamin Campbell Edited by Josie Child What does it mean to be a Christian? For many, the answer would be that it means going to church, singing hymns, taking communion, or perhaps, listening to a sermon. In other words, being religious. Being a Christian is therefore somewhere that you go, and […]
Four reasons to read your Bible today
Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Josie Child, PAX Producer What can the Bible really offer me today? It cannot offer me the instant gratification of technology. It cannot offer me the secret to ‘health, wealth and happiness’. It cannot even offer me an easy read because it is full of challenges and high standards! But what […]
Three ways to express your faith at work
Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Josie Child, PAX Producer In this week’s PAX video, we hear from Fred Parker, a former Television Director and a committed Christian. For Fred, there is no contradiction between his personal faith and his career in the media. What can we learn from Fred about putting our faith into practice in […]
Why Christians should rethink the resurrection

Updated: Aug 29, 2018 By Josie Child, PAX Producer The cross is everywhere in Christianity; on necklaces, church roofs, on the front of Bibles. It is imprinted onto wafers and sewn into priestly garments. It is the universally accepted symbol of the faith, and it has come to represent Jesus for Christians and non-Christians alike. The […]
Why Christians SHOULD (and SHOULDN’T) share their faith
Updated: Jan 31, 2019 By Josie Child, PAX Producer It is our motivations, not our actions, that matter most to God. ‘Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart’ (1 Samuel 16:7). So when we share our faith with others, as Jesus commanded us to do, we need to be doing […]