Self-Esteem: An Important Component for Adjustment in Adolescence

By Ketty Sarouphim-McGill Self-esteem is defined as a person’s own global evaluation of oneself. In other words, the concept refers to our own views of how we perceive ourselves. Related terms include self-concept, self-worth, self-image and self-efficacy beliefs. It is noteworthy to mention that self-esteem reflects a personal perception rather than reality. That is, a […]
The Story of John Ager

The Way (Camino) Below is the story of one of our enthusiastic supporters who took on himself a huge task which was to walk for two weeks as a pilgrim to Santiago de Compostela. We would like to thank you our friend John wholeheartedly for such a fantastic fundraising pilgrimage and for raising over than […]
Volunteering By Reem Issa, CEO

Volunteering is on the rise with many people getting involved in some kind of charity work. At Awareness Foundation, we keep our doors open to volunteers. Volunteers are not only beneficial to us for service delivery, they are also incidental to our operations.
The Revd Philippa Boardman MBE St Mary Magdalene Wandsworth Common

A few years ago there was a TV programme with a most intriguing title. It was called ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England’ Who could this be? Henry 8th? Certainly pretty dangerous if you were married to him! Thomas Cromwell – made famous to many of us by Hilary Mantel and her wonderful novels? […]
How does it feel to be a Christian in the UK in 2019?

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Keith Brockbank Edited by Josie Child If I pigeonhole myself (and I realise this can be quite silly) as a conservative, non-conformist, charismatic Christian, then I can feel like a member of a small ethnic minority group. I am not saying this is really true, but it can be how it […]
Allowing you to be you: why religious freedom is so important

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Kanika Phillip Edited by Josie Child Religious freedom is important to me because it allows you to express yourself. It is your right as a human being! “Religious freedom is so important to me because I do feel it is a God-given right” – Archbishop Angaelos Archbishop Angaelos said […]
Jesus of Nazareth: a Progressive and Rehabilitative Approach to Crime and Offenders

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Adnan Mouhiddin Edited by Josie Child Reading law in the UK was quite an interesting experience for me. Coming from Syria, where we have sets of codified laws and provisions to observe and apply, exploring and examining the common law system was a fascinating journey. What was even more fascinating to […]
International mission in a post-colonial world – how might we do it?

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Keith Brockbank Edited by Josie Child We live in a post-colonial world, but often people in the First World carry a lot of colonial baggage. Whether we think of ourselves too highly and have an arrogance related to a history of empire, or carry significant guilt concerned with the abuses […]
Give the people what they need

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Magda Karkosinska-Deneault Edited by Josie Child Just recently I came across an interview given by the Revd Nadim Nassar in the Church Times (you can read it here) which really struck a chord with me. Sometimes thoughts keep swishing around in your head and suddenly someone else speaks them out […]
What peace means to me

Updated: Aug 2, 2019 By Kanika Phillip Edited by Josie Child To me, peace means a few things; · Being at ease with who I am · Saying no to violence and war · Inner calmness: having time to myself, relaxing my body and mind, knowing who I am However, the actual definition of peace is […]