The Revd Nadim Nassar, our Director, and Huda Nassar, our Director for the Middle East, have returned to Iraq this month to lead more Ambassadors for Peace programmes there; as always, our aim is to help young Christian men and women to guide their communities on the path to genuine reconciliation and peace. You can find out more about this ground-breaking, life-changing programme here. This time, Nadim and Huda are leading two programmes, one in Duhok for those who took part in our first Ambassadors for Peace programme there last year, and a new programme in Erbil. When Nadim and Huda return, they will be writing a full report on our activities – please watch this space!

As before, our work has been sponsored by Tearfund, to whom we express our enormous gratitude, in partnership with CAPNI – Christian Aid Programme (Nohadra, Iraq) – who have arranged everything for us there.
UPDATE 26 JUNE 2016: Nadim, via Twitter. “Ambassadors for Peace training ended in Erbil with projects planed & many creative ideas. Fantastic group!” Please see photos, below.
UPDATE 29 JUNE 2016: A quote from one of the young Iraqi Christians who took part in our Ambassadors for Peace programme this month: “In a Spiritual Desert, your visit was a chance for me to reconnect with #Peace! Nadim and Huda, wish you a safe trip, and hope to meet again soon. #UK #IRAQ #PEACE #CHRISTIANS #ME”